Dear Workers;
I would like to approach you on common ground, worker to worker. We may not share much in common; our heritage, religion, race, sexual orientation, gender: our “origin story” as it were, may not share many common traits or themes. In fact, outside of the fact that we are both workers, our lives may not be very similar at all. Chances are we don’t even have the same type of job, don’t make the same kind of wage, and probably have different goals for how we want our destinies to turn out. But something ties us together; throughout history you and I have been tied together simply because of the fact that we are workers.
Through the centuries, you and I have always been the lowest strata of society. Around the world, our experiences vary but the story remains the same. We toil in factories, we clean other people’s messes, we build the cities, we slave away selling our bodies and time to jobs that we don’t like and would replace us in a heartbeat. We do as we are told, we keep our heads down, do our jobs, and work hard. Many of us have been raised from the mentality and mindset that if we work hard, and do as we are told: we can get ahead, our hard work will be recognized and maybe one day we too can run our own businesses or “be our own bosses.” Many of us have been able to carve out a decent life for us and our families, maybe even started our own business due to good economic times or perhaps a well paying job in a decently paying trade.
However, as the years have gone on, this has become harder and harder to achieve. The cost of living has skyrocketed, rent and mortgages are nowhere near what they used to be, meanwhile our wages have stagnated. Now the pandemic has come along, and even those of us who had been able to start a business are seeing our companies go under or on the brink of collapse while our government hands out billions to foreign oil companies- who are then in turn laying off thousands of workers. Our economic security has vanished into an offshore bank account of the super rich, stolen from us by the very politicians sworn to work on our behalf! Acting as no more than a puppet to corporate greed they strip away our rights, they poison our water, destroy our land, rip apart our mountains to satisfy their greed. Should we dare to resist our own exploitation or fight to have our voices heard, armies are sent in to crush us at the behest of our oppressors.
Our history has always had workers kneeling at the feet of kings or tyrants who wished to rule and live in lavish luxury at our expense; on the backs of our labour. They have never forgotten who has really built them their vast empires and bloated bank accounts. They attempt to divide us amongst ourselves, so we become full of hatred and fearful towards our fellow workers, our neighbours and people who have far more in common with ourselves than any of the ranks of the rich. They would have us blame citizens of countries on the other side of the planet, or the wage slave making a few bucks more than you for your problems, instead of those who steal from us every day in not only our workplaces but in their legislation as well!
The media is the tool they use to weave a never ending narrative set to instill fear, hatred, and division. They spew lies and propaganda, stories to keep us in line and divided, tales to stay in power and keep us exploited as they profit from our misery.
Dear workers, this is a plea:
To stand beside your fellow workers, regardless of belief, skin colour, gender identity, sexual orientation, etc. To realize the enemy isn’t the person in another country just trying to live their life, or the person working the oilpatch trying to make ends meet and provide for their family; our enemies aren’t the college kid drowning in debt trying to build themselves a future, nor the minimum wage worker trying to survive because the cheque doesn’t even cover the cost of their bills. Our enemies aren’t our Indigenous brothers and sisters who are trying to stop the destruction of their lands, or the refugees forced to flee their country because of wars started by our politicians at the behest of the corporate puppeteers.
Dear workers,
I am pleading to you to realize that despite whatever differences we have between our fellow brothers and sisters of the working class; whether in our country or globally, that we share a common interest: to remove ourselves from under the heel of oppression. That it is our duty to take the power back to build a better world and future for our children and in turn, their children. We build the world, we set the gears of progress and history in motion. Without our labour, the world would not function. It is time we remembered the power and potential we as the workers yield, and it is by far time that we wield that power to take back our destiny and build a society that serves the workers instead of the hypocrites and snakes who “lead us.”
Our power if we stand together is the single strongest force on the planet! The workers are the only group with the power to topple empires, crumble dynasties, and bring the world to a grinding halt. Should we unite and stand as one, we can forever alter the entire course of humanity; so that no longer would the working class act as slaves to the corporate masters. But rather that we could install a true democracy, a democracy of the workers, not of the rich, where the power to make the decisions, every step of the way from our workplaces to our communities, lies directly in our hands. We are the ones who built the world; it is us who should run it for our benefit and that of our communities!
Dear workers,
The world is falling into disarray; the environment is trembling, war is on our doorstep, whilst a pandemic runs rampant amongst the world. But do not lose hope! Let these situations and injustices not sadden or frighten you, let them radicalize you! Let every instance of exploitation be brought to light so we can bring an end to it! For it is us,and us alone, who have the qualification and competency to run our communities since our hands were the very ones which built them! That is something they can never take from us. We are the ones with the right and authority to make the decisions which directly affect us! And it is by far time to remember who we are, the capability we yield -which has the very potential to create a better world for all of us, not only a selective few of the wealthiest who have built their wealth at our expense.
Arise, join with your fellow workers, realize the potential and power you hold, then take it back! Join us!
If you would like to get involved with any of our programs, to join or find out more info about the WLC, or are in need of any sort of community support or help that you think our organization could assist with, please feel free to reach out to us through one of our social media pages or our email: