CANADA-SAUDI ARABIA LAV DEAL: A NECESSARY EVIL?Canada-Saudi Arabia LAV Deal: A Necessary Evil?Mar 1, 2021Mar 1, 2021
Homelessness And The Systemic Cruelty Of The EPSThe fact that the unhoused population, not just here in the west, but all across the world, are treated as a criminal underclass should…Feb 18, 2021Feb 18, 2021
Statement On The January 6th Riots And What Is To ComeThe events that took place on January 6th clearly signal a new era in American politics; an era in which uncertainty reigns supreme, where…Jan 12, 2021Jan 12, 2021
Dear Workers;I would like to approach you on common ground, worker to worker. We may not share much in common; our heritage, religion, race, sexual…Jan 12, 2021Jan 12, 2021
Workers Allying to Stand in the Face of Islamophobia and RacismOver the course of the past two weeks, the city of Edmonton has been subject to a string of violent racist and Islamophobic attacks that…Dec 21, 2020Dec 21, 2020
Coal in the StockingIn previous years leading up to the holiday season, commonplace phrases such as “Peace on earth, and good will to all men,” echoed…Dec 21, 2020Dec 21, 2020